How to Ride
Before boarding the bus
The first thing to do is to look at the NECTD route map and find your starting location and your desired destination..
- Schedules are available throughout the region at town halls, medical offices, retail establishments or by contacting NECTD. You can also download schedules on our Routes & Schedules section.
- Be sure and leave enough time to arrive at your stop a few minutes early.
If you need further trip planning assistance, please call the Northeast Connecticut Transit Office at (860) 774-3902. The office is open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Remember: Passengers being transported are under the authority of the NECTD bus driver - please adhere to their directions and requests

Waiting for the bus
Some stops are designated by a sign, while others are not. Please wait by the marked stop and signal the driver. In areas without marked stops, signal the driver at an intersection or other location where the bus can stop safely. If you are able to contact our dispatcher (860-774-3902) prior to the bus arriving, you can indicate where you will be signaling the bus and we can notify the driver.
What you need to get on the bus
- Arrive at your bus stop before the bus is scheduled to arrive - our buses can arrive five minutes before the scheduled time or five minutes after that time.
- Have exact fare change or ticket. Our drivers do not carry change.
- All rides are $1.00
Getting on the Bus
- Please wait until other passengers have gotten off before you board.
- In the winter, always check the front steps for ice, snow or slush, and hold onto the hand rail.
- Fold all carts or strollers before boarding the bus. Hold on to the metal bars or seat backs when you walk on the bus.
- Passengers are required to use a seat belt at all times.
- Passengers are required to remain seated while the bus is in motion.
- Passengers may not extend hands, arms, or head through bus windows.
- No smoking on the buses.
- Portable sound systems with headphones are allowed. Cellular phones may be used if they do not interfere with the bus’s operation.
- As you board the bus, show the bus operator your bus pass, or place your exact change into the farebox next to the bus driver. You also may purchase a Discount Pass from the driver on the bus. The Discount Pass allows you 15 rides for the price of 10.
- If another guest needs a seat, please remove personal items from the seat next to you.
- Children under age 14 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Service Animals
All service animals are allowed to ride with their owner. This applies to any animal that is considered a service animal and is not limited to dogs. The passenger must have the service animal fully under control at all times so as not to disrupt other passengers or the schedule. Drivers cannot and will not assume any responsibility for service animals. At the time of scheduling a ride, please indicate if a service animal will accompany you.
Child Safety Seats
It is recommended that all children under the age of 6 or weighing less than 40 pounds be secured in a child safety seat. NECTD does not provide safety seats. Children under the age of 2 that are not in a child safety seat must be held by an adult
If you need to transfer to another bus to get to your destination, please inform the driver for a transfer. This way our driver can communicate with the bus making the transfer to ensure a smooth transition.
Getting off the bus
- Give the driver plenty of notice that you want to exit the bus. If you are not familiar with the area, ask the driver to call out your destination.
- For your safety, do not cross the street in front of the bus. Wait until the bus leaves the stop.
- Check to make sure you have not left personal belongings on the bus.
- Please watch your step!
Driver Assistance
NECTD drivers are specially trained to serve you. Our drivers will:
- Deploy lifts and ramps for persons using mobility devices
- Secure passengers using mobility devices.
- Announce stops.
To ensure your safety and the safety of our drivers, NECTD has the following restrictions:
- Drivers will not assist passengers using wheelchairs up or down steps. Please arrange with someone else to assist you.
- Drivers will not carry packages.
- NECTD drivers will not provide assistance that involves bearing weight, including lifting and carrying passengers. Individuals who need extensive assistance in traveling must arrange for a Personal Care Attendant to accompany and assist them. NECTD does not provide Personal Care Attendants.
- NECTD drivers will not enter passengers' homes. For the safety and protection of both drivers and passengers, it is against our policy to provide this type of assistance.
- Drivers will not assist passengers beyond the "curb" which means the immediate vicinity of the bus
- Drivers will not dress passengers.
- Drivers will not search a passenger’s body for the appropriate fare or ticket.
- Drivers will not clear pathways of ice, snow, or other barriers.
- For the privacy and safety of all riders, drivers are not permitted to handle personal belongings of any rider. This includes bags, purses, packages, etc.
- If a passenger uses oxygen, the tank must be portable, i.e., the passenger must be able to carry the tank into the vehicle themselves. If the passenger is in a wheelchair, the tank must be attached to the wheelchair. Once on board, the portable oxygen tank must ride in a secure location, for example, in the passenger’s lap, in front of the passenger on the floor between seats, or on the floor behind the modesty panel.
- All passengers using a wheelchair or scooter must use the restraint system that is used to secure the wheelchair or scooter to the floor of the vehicle.
- The number of packages a passenger can have along is limited to the number of packages that the passenger can carry in one trip entering the bus.
- Drivers cannot accept tips.
A driver may refuse to transport a passenger who appears to be under the influence of alcohol, illegal or dangerous substances, or whose behavior or language appears abusive, offensive, disorderly or dangerous to himself, the driver or other passengers.